Penrose Substitution

This sketch uses a tile substitution method for constructing highly ordered aperiodic tilings. Each construction is made entirely from just two basic shapes. The shapes… Read More


The Buddhabrot Set is a re-visualization of the familiar Mandelbrot Set using a technique invented by Melinda Green. Instead of selecting points on the real-complex… Read More

Node Garden 2020

A darker, more contemplative return to the Node.Garden from 2004. 10,000 nodes are organized along snaking spine objects. The spines emanate from a computationally defined… Read More

Ship Hull

A combinatoric spaceship generator. This system takes the classic Asteroids delta shape and randomly adds primitive geometries to create unique spaceship designs. Each added shape… Read More

Blended Tris

Another algorithm in the Blended Arcs and Blended Ends modality. Recursive regions are filled this time with triangles, eventually becoming tiny villages of computational gnomes.… Read More